LI 700
Crop Protection
Fruit, Veg & Viticulture
Gardens & Amenities
Nurseries & Cut Flowers

LI 700

Crop Protection
Fruit, Veg & Viticulture
Gardens & Amenities
Nurseries & Cut Flowers

LI 700 is a soy-oil derived, non-ionic penetrating surfactant that reduces off-target spray dirft and reduces spray water pH. Unique formulation technology and quality ingredients separate LI 700 from the imitators.


TO: Drift reduction with performance-sized droplets

ON: Droplet retention by adhesion and spreading

IN: Increased penetration without cuticle disruption

Acidification properties reducing spray solution pH, preventing pesticide degradation and maximizing performance

Low-foaming surfactant that will not cause foam problems in the spray tank



Pack Sizes

10L, 20L, 110L, 1000L
